Sardines in papillote recipe

As always we cook with fish it is important to ensure that it is fresh and of the highest quality possible.

This recipe is perfect to accompany a salad, thus obtaining a healthy and balanced dinner or meal, with a very low caloric intake.

 20 Medium sardines
 30 ml Olive oil
 5 Bay leaves
 Coarse salt
 600 ml Water
Küken Accessories
 Deep steam tray


First of all, we wash the sardines well, there is no need to remove the grater or tripe. We dry them well with paper kitchen and we reserve them.


In our Küken robot without any accessories inside, we add 600 ml of water and place the deep steamer.


We prepare the sardines to make a papillote; for this we cut five pieces of foil, sized enough to place four sardines and cover them. Using a kitchen brush, we grease the room with olive oil on top of the foil, place four sardines on top, add a bay leaf, thyme and coarse salt to taste. We fold the aluminum foil to make a tightly closed package. We repeat this with the rest of the sardines and place the packages in the deep tray. We put the lid on.


We steam for 30 minutes at 120°C.


Taking care not to burn ourselves, we open one of the packages and check that the sardines are cooked through. They are not yet, we go back to the previous step and we program 5 minutes at 120ºC. We will repeat this step as many times as necessary until we get the desired point. It will depend on the size of the sardines.