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Tortilla de patata con cebolla y pimiento

Yields4 ServingsPrep Time7 minsCook Time33 minsTotal Time40 mins

As for the ingredients, there is always the debate on the onion, there are those who prefer it with and others without.
In our case, we prepared it with onion and green pepper but If we prefer, we can eliminate any of these ingredients.

Receta tortilla de patatas

 8 huevos
 500 g de patatas
 150 g onion
 150 g of green pepper
 120 ml of olive oil
 Solvent accessory
 Grating disc

We mount the grater disc with the drive shaft on our Küken robot.


We put the disc in the slicing position, close the lid and open the filling hole.


In the next step we will start to stratify the ingredients of the recipe. For this, we prepare 150 g of onion, peeling it and cutting it into quarters. When laminating in the robot, we will use the included accessory to push the food.


We roll the onion for 10 seconds at 0°C and speed 5.


We do the same with 150 g of pepper, previously washed, cut in half and removed the seeds and the peduncle. For this, we return to step 4.


In the next step, we also layer 500 g of potatoes previously peeled, washed and cut into pieces of adequate size to fit through the hole in the lid.


We roll the potatoes for 30 seconds at 0°C and speed 5.


Once we have finished layering the potatoes, we stop the food processor and remove all the ingredients, reserving them in a separate bowl.


We replace the rasp disc and its shaft with the extraction accessory.


Add 120 ml of olive oil.


Heat the oil for 2 minutes at 120°C on speed 1.


Add the sliced potatoes and a little salt.


Bake 10 minutes at 95°C and speed 1.


Add the onion and chopped bell pepper and season to taste.


Bake 20 minutes at 95°C and speed 1.


We remove the contents from the inside of the glass and reserve it in a large bowl, it is important that the oil is well drained, for this we can use a colander.


We beat 8 eggs in a separate bowl, with a pinch of salt.


We incorporate the beaten eggs with the rest of the ingredients, we stir everything so that the eggs are well integrated.


We curdle the tortilla in a pan, depending on the thickness we like, we can choose a larger or smaller pan.

Nutrition Facts

Servings 0

Amount Per Serving
Calories 320